Sunday, July 25, 2010


Dave planned our European vacation a few years ago so that we could attend the Passion Play in Oberammergau, Germany. In 1643, the people of Oberammergau made a promise to perform the play every 10 years if God spared them from the bubonic plaque. The town currently has 5,000 residents and over half of them are directly involved in the play. 4,700 people come to watch each night. The play is performed five days a week for six months. It was six hours long in German, but we had an English script to read. We had a two hour intermission in order to eat dinner back at our hotel. In order to double their population on a daily basis, they put guests anywhere that has a bed and bathroom. We actually stayed at a sanatorium. Six hours in a theatre chair listening to German might sound boring and long. However, the time flew by and the play was much more than I ever expected! I was extremely amazed by the message and performance. The choir, orchestra, and actors were as good as professionals. You have to live in Oberammergau for twenty years or have been born there in order to participate in the play. It is hard to explain the entire experience into words, you just have to experience it for yourself. I would love to go again some day.

We couldn't take pictures during the play, but here you can see the stage is out doors.
Last scene of the play.

We were very fortunate to be on the third row. The seating is covered even though the stage is not.

Dave before the show.

The town was beautiful and of course full of shops. We bought a hand-made cuckoo clock!


Sarah said...

Sounds like a one-of-a-kind experience. How does Dave come up with this stuff? What is a sanatorium? The history behind the play is pretty cool. :)

Eleanor Leigh said...

That sounds really special. I'm glad you guys enjoyed it.

Austin said...

This is one for the bucket list. What a cool experience!