Last weekend, I drove to College Station to have a girls' weekend with two fellow Aggies! I hadn't seen Jacki or Meredith since last summer. It was great sharing old stories and laughing a lot! We stayed at The Clary House. It is a bed and breakfast owned by Meredith's mom. It was built in 1902 and is located on the south side of Bryan. Anyone traveling to this area should consider staying here. Linda is an amazing host, the rooms are beautiful, and the food is delicious! Linda made us two gourmet breakfasts. She also had fresh cookies waiting for us. Look at the website and check out the rooms. I stayed in The Elizabeth Room. I felt so at home and relaxed that I didn't want to leave.
All Aggies know that you can't go into College Station without buying an Aggie t-shirt. None of us could pass up these adorable bright pink shirts (yes, you can make fun of us for matching).
Saturday's Breakfast - The crepe was filled with cream cheese and peaches! It was DELICIOUS!
Sunday's Breakfast - The waffle was filled with cream cheese and strawberries, and the quiches were in the shape of a heart! Too cute and again tasty!!
While in college, Meredith and I worked for an Accommodations Counselor in the Disability Office. We surprised our old employer, Donna, at her office! It was such a joy to see her again. She is a special lady and I will always remember her.
The rest of the weekend we did lots of shopping. We also got to enjoy some of our old favorite restaurants. Saturday for lunch, we met up with my old "church family." They adopted me in college and fed me once a week. They have three beautiful girls and I can't believe how old they have gotten! The oldest, Jessica, is going into high school! I am really mad at myself for not taking a picture with them.
We made a stop on campus at this enormous Aggie ring! This picture was taken right after I received a parking ticket. Another tradition at A&M. My freshman year I gave large amounts of money to the PTTS.
We had a great time in Aggieland and this trip really made me miss my days there!