Next to our wedding in Australia, Dave and I just went on our favorite vacation. I highly suggest that anyone interested in international travels should go to
Egypt. It was a relaxing and fun vacation, but I also learned so much. An Islamic culture, third world economics, and a 5,000 year old civilization all opened my eyes to a whole new world. We took 1,300 pictures and I am trying to cut this down in order to share pictures on
Shutterfly. Until then I wanted to share a few of my favorite pictures. Everyday was packed full of great memories, so it is going to be very hard to pick the best. I could never express how amazing our time was in
Abu Simbel - Temple of Ramses built in 1224 B.C.

Temple of Horus in
Edfu - built between 237 B.C. and 57 B.C.

Temple of
Hot air balloon ride over the Valley of the Kings and village

We went to the Valley of the Queens and Valley of the Kings where many tombs have been discovered and/or robbed. We went into five tombs, but the most exciting tomb was that of King Tut (discovered in 1922). Inside we saw his mummy and one of his golden sarcophagi (we saw his other two sarcophagus in a
museum). King Tut died 3,300 years ago and we saw his body!!

We weren't allowed to take pictures in the tomb so I found this pictures online.

Hatshepsut's Temple in the Valley of the Kings
Karnak Temple - built in the 16
th century B.C. is the largest ancient religious site in the world. The temple originally had 134 columns.
Luxor Temple - When the Egyptians built
Karnak and
Luxor they connected the two with the avenue of sphinxes which extends for 1.2 miles. You can see some of the sphinxes now, but most are buried under the city of

When Christians fled to Egypt they used some of the temples as churches. Here you can see a portion of a Last Supper painting (around 250 A.D.).

We went to a
Papyrus Institute and learned how the ancient Egyptians made paper out of a papyrus plant. We bought several paintings for our house!
Forty-five minutes on a camel was exciting, but painful. I was sore for days!

PYRAMIDS!!! There are actually a little over a hundred pyramids in Egypt.

We walked out of a
restaurant and Dave said, "Look, a lion." He said this very calmly,
because we learned that anything is possible in
Egypt. The cub was four months old and was not on a leash or in a cage...just hanging out on a table.

Step Pyramid - the first pyramid ever built.

I got to see how they made silk rugs, it was difficult. I found a rug for $4,000 that was absolutely beautiful!
Mashy -
Mashy!! Dave and I really enjoyed getting to know our wonderful tour guide. Thanks Vivian!
That looks amazing!!! One of these days, Brian and I will have to go there...
Wow! How Incredible!!! Leigh and I are adding this to our "must visit" list for sure! Can't wait to hear more about it. Thanks for sharing!!!
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