Sunday, January 23, 2011

Island Hopping in the Galapagos

If you travel to the Galapagos Islands, you have the option of staying on a large cruise ship or a small yacht. We chose the smaller boat so we wouldn't be traveling in a large group. We difinetly made the right decision. Our boat, Tip Top II, held 16 passengers plus 7 crew members. We spent everyday on a new island, and traveled at night to our next destination. A few days, we were even able to see two different islands. We spent 7 days on the boat and never got seasick. However, when we got off the boat after a week of swaying, we could feel the motion for 3 or 4 more days.

This is what a typical day was like:
7am breakfast
8am hike on an island to see the animals
10am morning snack
11am swim/snorkel
12pm lunch and SIESTA!
2pm snorkel/kayak
3:30pm afternoon snack
4pm hike
6:30 pm dinner
7:30 or 8:00 we went to bed (yes I know this is early!)
We ate a lot and slept a lot!! My two favorites!

Tip Top II

We rode a banga from the yacht to the island.

Hanging out on the boat was very relaxing!

The sea lion is posing perfectly in front of our boat!

Dave is standing right outside our room. We left our door open at night to enjoy the sounds and breeze of the ocean!


mark said...

Can't wait to see the book :) See any pirates? Loving the blogging frequency.

Sarah said...

Man, that looks like an amazing trip. I love the schedule. I think I could follow that everyday...especially the siesta!

Jennifer Moore said...

Looks like ya'll had a blast. I'm a little jealous.

Mary Ann said...

Love the blogging frequency.
Aren't yachts great?? The one you had sounded just the right size.
Love the schedule. In the past when we went scuba our schedule was practically the same, except when you were exploring the land we were exploring the water. Keep up the blogging, I sure enjoy reading it. Oh, and David thanks for answering the phone on your birthday. She really enjoyed talking to you. Hugs to all.