The plane provided a great view of the delta and we could see animals as well.
Odd Balls Camp was the most primitive camp we stayed at, but it was also one of our favorites. We spent a lot of time visiting with the other guests and the managers of the camp. The great company and peaceful setting made for a wonderful stay.
Our tent...
I thought our shower was a lot of fun! First, you would fill up the bucket using the sink faucet. Then use a pulley system to lift the bucket up higher than the shower head. A hose was connected to the bottom of the bucket and to the shower head. The water was heated by solar power. It worked great!
One afternoon, we had a visitor in the camp. I know this picture is small, but you can see an elephant in the camp while I'll putting on sunscreen. He stayed in the camp for a few hours. We had to wait for him to get off the pathway before we could go to our tent after lunch. Elephants come in the camp often to shake the palm trees for fruit.
Here he is eating leaves right above the kitchen. Soon after this picture was taken he stepped on a water line.
Several times a day, we would go out in the makoro (canoe) with our guide, Poison. That was his nickname, because he is deadly on the soccer field! He would pole us through the small channels (created by the hippos) to take us to an island. Then we would walk around looking for animals.
We mainly stayed in the shallow water, but every once in awhile we had to cross the deep water where the hippos live! This provided some excitement to the otherwise relaxing ride.
Dave tried to drive the makoro...he did pretty good!
From Odd Balls Camp we flew to another area of Botswana. I'll save that for my next post! Thanks for reading about our African adventure!